• info@indiangreenservice.org


Environmental Strategy Planning

Goal of environmental planning is to come up with a win-win situation for society and the environment. With successful environmental planning, society wins by being able to use the area in productive ways, and the environment itself for future generations.

Solid and Liquid Resource Management

Mountains of waste accumulated on our wetlands, clouds of smoke generated by burning it, oceans of waste floating i our rivers and canals, ground water that has turned red and yellow.

Advocacy Initiatives

The Advocacy Initiative is a program for students, recent alumni, and public health organizations to engage in campaigns to improve or protect health policies.

Why are we concerned

Natural Recources Defence Is Our Philosophy

Waste if not properly managed will.

Expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness, but because those who that are extremely painful.

  • - Generate foul smell
  • - Breed flies and insects
  • - Valuable land area is wasted on dumping
  • - Generate Carbon dioxide while burning

Video Presentation




  • Bringing about sustainable socio-economic change through Environmental Conservation We strive to achieve this by ensuring that every citizen becomes environmentally responsible and commit themselves to a greener environment.


  • The core objective of IGS can be summarised as an integral approach of employment generation using environmental protection and conservation as a medium.

​​Each of us have a responsibility towards our environment.
Help us to create these structures and spread the mission across the nation.
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