• info@indiangreenservice.org



Campus Projects

In India, closed campuses such as residential colonies, universities and colleges, hospitals contribute to around 30% of the garbage load that ends up in Dump yards. Indian Green Service model of SLRM is designed to ensure that this load is reduced by handling the output at the source of generation.


Corporate Social Responsibility Projects

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a very important component which has tremendous potential to create an impact in the area of Environmental conservation. IGS takes pride in partnering with like minded corporates to plan and implement projects under the CSR funding of many leading corporates.


Government Partnerships

Indian Green Service (IGS) believes in sustainable models of Solid waste management. We work closely with various Government institutions to set up models which can be replicated across the country.


Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the order of tomorrow. We have huge potential to generate energy from the loads of Garbage that we use and this can be a revolution in the energy sector. IGS is taking small steps in this direction with our own partners to create awareness about renewable energy solutions.

Words About Us

Every voice counts! Choose campaign, donate and help us change the world

Together we can make a difference

INDIAN GREEN SERVICE (IGS) is an environment protection organisation launched in the year 2010 based on 15 years of extensive field research in the area of Waste Management. IGS was launched with the objective of ensuring that every citizen realises the need to be responsible to the environment and contribute in their own ways towards protecting the same.

"Experiencing the difference" is the best form of awareness. IGS believes in making people experience the dfference that NATURE could give if there is a change in their behaviour towards the environment.

The 'Green Force' of IGS has developed simple but effective methodologies to tackle the immediate and extremely dangerous issues facing the world today. IGS views WASTE as a RESOURCE and considers GARBAGE as GOLD.

​​Each of us have a responsibility towards our environment.
Help us to create these structures and spread the mission across the nation.
Please send your generous donations to: