• info@indiangreenservice.org

Solid and Liquid Resource Management

Solid and Liquid Resource Management

The problem of waste has reached a state of Crisis. Mountains of waste accumulated on our wetlands, clouds of smoke generated by burning it, oceans of waste floating i our rivers and canals, ground water that has turned red and yelloe from leachate pollution are all saying to us loudly and clearly

Who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces annoying consequences resultant pleasure.

The bamboo baskets used for the roof garden are made by people from disadvantaged section of people from Rajasthan. A part of the money that you pay goes to the welfare of these people.

Each of us have a responsibility towards our environment.
Help us to create these structures and spread the mission across the nation.
Please send your generous donations to: